Classic Mosquito Net Frame folding and removal instructions
Frame folding instructions for all Classic and Round mosquito nets
1. Hold circular frame in left and right hand
2. Turn one hand backwards while turning the other hand forwards
3. The ring will want to collapse upon itself
4. Bring hands together
5. Hold collapsed ring firmly and wrap netting around it to hold in place
6. Place in bag.
Classic Mosquito Net Frame Removal Instructions
The fibreglass rod is a strong, light weight flexible hoop that can be removed to allow laundering. A fabric seam and the metal joiner hold the circular shape in the ceiling of the net. The rod is under pressure from the fabric seam when expanded. Strength and dexterity is required to remove the frame.
1. Hold ceiling of net with frame seam at 12 o’clock. Using a chair or bed to rest the net on will assist with positioning. 2. The fibreglass rod is joined by a metal tube. This tube or joiner slides over the ends of the rod to create a circle inside the fabric seam.
3. Expose the metal joiner to view through fabric seam opening. If possible gripping the metal joiner rather than the fabric will assist removal. Use a dining chair with chair back against your body and bottom of net (6 o’clock position) rested at junction or chair back and seat.
4. Hold, through the fabric, the joiner with one hand and hold the rod, through the fabric in the other hand. Firm gripping of these components will require finger strength.
5. Exert downwards and inwards pressure on the exposed fabric join while gripping the rod and tube firmly with fingers. The downwards and inwards (towards you) pressure will release the tension of the rod.
6. Slightly gathering the seam fabric and shifting the finger grip on the rod will allow the joiner to be levered out and removed.
7. Slide out the rod and joiner.
8. Take care re-inserting the rod so that it doesn’t pierce the fabric seam.