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What makes mosquito bites itch, what to do about it and why the bloodsuckers are more attracted to certain people
If you’ve ever been bitten by a mosquito, you know how frustrating their bites can be.The little red bumps swell up almost immediately, creating an itch that once you start scratching only seems to get worse. The more you scratch, the more they itch - starting a vicious cycle that can leave you irritated, sore and covered in red bumps.Some people seem to be mosquito magnets - the insects flock to them wherever they are, leaving bites in any exposed flesh - while others are left relatively unscat
7th Sep 2022
Murray Valley encephalitis warning for Kimberley region
Residents and travellers in the Kimberley region are being urged to take extra precautions to avoid mosquito bites after Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) was reported in an individual residing in the West Kimberley.Department of Health Acting Managing Scientist, Craig Brockway, said this was the first human case of MVE reported in Western Australia since 2018. The patient is now recovering.“Murray Valley encephalitis virus is carried by mosquitoes, and while the risk of being infected and becomi
2nd Aug 2022
Mosquitoes more attracted to people infected with viruses like dengue and Zika, scientists say
Mosquitoes can be choosy about who they hang out with, swarming around some people while totally avoiding others.
Key points:
Dengue and Zika infections can alter the composition of skin bacteriaThis shift makes infected hosts smell more appealing to mosquitoesA common acne medication could hold the key to preventing bites and infectionsAnd it turns out some viral infections can make you especially attractive to the tiny blood suckers.A new study has found that getting infected with a virus li
5th Jul 2022
How worried should we be about the mosquito-borne virus Japanese encephalitis?
1st Jul 2022
Where Do All the Mosquitoes Go in the Winter?
Summer evenings by the pool, lake or BBQ mean mosquitoes. But what about during winter when we’re mostly indoors? As the weather cools, these bloodsucking pests are rarely seen.But where do they go?Warm, wet conditions suit mosquitoesMosquitoes have complex life cycles that rely on water brought to wetlands, flood plains, and water-holding containers by seasonal rainfall. Depending on whether we’re experiencing a summer under the influence of El Niño or La Niña, mosquito populations will change
28th Jun 2022